On September 15, 2022, at approximately 2:00 p.m. a citizen called and reported a suspicious object in the 2700 block of Dirr in Parsons to the Parsons Police Department.
Officers that arrived on scene tested the device with an explosive field-testing kit and the result was a positive fo
Publisher - Welcome to Thrust Zone
Tata Motors today announced that the company has won an order of 921 electric buses from Bengaluru Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC). Under the larger tender by Convergence Energy Services Limited (CESL), Tata Motors will supply, operate a
New England cattle producer Stuart Austin says an opportunity to experience Sydney International Airport’s customs, immigration and biosecurity processes first hand has provided a level of comfort and demonstrated an absolute dedication of front line staff.
Stuart Austin (left) was
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Honeywell’s latest version of its Pro-Watch Integrated Security Suite includes Pro-Watch 6.0 and Pro-Watch Video Management System R750, and 35 Series Cameras.
ATLANTA — Honeywell launched the latest iteration of its Pro-Watch Integrated Security Suite, including Pro-Watch 6.0 an
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Today’s air travel experience is virtually unrecognizable compared to 2001.
On September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four Boeing airplanes, two operated by American Airlines and two by United, and used them to carry out acts of terrorism that took the lives of nearly 3,000 p
Marketreports.info has presented a Global Security Inspection Equipment Market from 2022 to 2030 global study report that contains a market overview, practical solutions, and cutting-edge technologies to improve consumer awareness. The Security Inspection Equipment study offers an in-depth ana
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This article was funded by LebTown donors as part of our Civic Impact Reporting Project.
After a public hearing Tuesday, the Sout
By Mark Duell and Sam Tonkin For Mailonline
Published: 04:44 EDT, 19 August 2022 | Updated: 04:18 EDT, 20 August 2022
Billions of Apple users were today urged to update their devices after the firm disclosed serious security vulnerabilities for iPhones, iPads and Macs