Smith & Wesson M&P15 semi-automatic rifles of the AR-15 style are displayed during the National Rifle Association (NRA) annual meeting at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas on May 28.
The most predictable response by the gun lobby and its political mouthpieces to calls for stricter gun laws in the wake of mass shootings is that tough laws don’t work.
You’ve probably heard all the arguments: That we already have tough laws on the books, that the problem is they are
How often should you do such health checks? When is the best time of the month to do them? How much discomfort is involved? CNA Women takes a deep dive into the important health checks – for the breasts and reproductive system – that every woman should do.
Medical professionals giv
Smiths Detection, a global leader in threat detection and security screening technologies, today announces that its Explosive Detection System (EDS) HI-SCAN 10080 XCT advanced X-ray computed tomography system for hold baggage and air cargo has been approved on the U.S. Transportation Security
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[179 Pages Report] Future Market Insights predicts the US$ 277 Mn global bone densitometer devices market to witness a hike in revenues at a passive CAGR of 3.5% over the next decade. In its recent market outlook titled “Bone Densitometer Devices Market:
Nightclubs in Scottsdale, unlike most clubs in Phoenix or Tempe, often require a second form of identification. After the doorman’s flashlight shines over the driver’s license, it beams on the shoes of those waiting in line.
Old Town, the city’s vibrant shopping, nightclub and rest
Friday, 3 June 2022 | 12°C Dublin
More sophisticated scanners can reduce baggage scanning times by up to half. Photo: Colin Keegan
Passengers at Dublin Airport will have to keep removing laptops, iPads, liquids, aerosols and baby food from their luggage for another 12 to 18 mon
Packing liquids into 100ml bottles is a practice of the past in some airports around the world thanks to the use of CT scanners. Photo / 123rf
For regular travellers, the practice of keeping carry on liquids to 100ml and removing laptops from bags during airport security screening is sec
June 01, 2022 09:30 ET | Source: MarketsandMarkets Research Pvt. Ltd. MarketsandMarkets Research Pvt. Ltd.
Chicago, June 01, 2022 (GLOBE
Find out how market forces will dictate the trajectory of house prices in the next few months
Major players in the dental X-ray equipment market are Danaher Corporation, Cefla S. C. , Fujifilm, Bio-Medicare, Panoramic Corporation, Midmark Corporation, Air Techniques Inc. , The Yoshida De