23 Simple, Must-Know Life Hacks That Women Swear By

2023-03-24 05:02:01 By : Ms. Terry Tong

I am once again asking for there to be a life hacks college course that teaches all these things!!!!!

*While the initial prompt asked women to share their best life hacks, these can be from and for anybody, regardless of how you identify! Life hack on, y'all!  Personal Care

23 Simple, Must-Know Life Hacks That Women Swear By

—alohacali and christines4fb3be872

23 Simple, Must-Know Life Hacks That Women Swear By

Body Wash "In it, a small case with one or two days’ worth of any meds you take daily is a must. Also, some bandages, pain reliever, nail clippers, tweezers, earring backs (if you wear earrings), safety pins, tampons/pads, etc."